The Big Day
was a very big day indeed! On August 8th, 34 artists converged on Beaver Farm in Phoenixville PA for a wonderful day of painting, delicious food and camaraderie. The weather gods cooperated and we had a lovely day. Joyful reunions were happening all over the place as old friends saw one another again, and many new friends met for the first time, too.
Of course the main attraction was art-making. This working biodynamic farm is a place of such quiet but intense beauty many of the artists felt almost overwhelmed by choices. However this is a nice problem to have, and everyone got to work:

Rachel Constantine in the garden

John Sevcik tackled the big old farmhouse

Stuart Shils at work under the tall trees

Eliza Auth worked both in pastels and in oils

Me (Nancy Bea Miller) courtesy of Marianne Mitchell

Marianne Mitchell stops to take a look at her piece in progress

Jeffrey Reed contemplating his next piece

Al Gury and Nancy Bea Miller

Rebecca Thornburgh, Jo-Ann Osnoe, Dianne Morrow, David lee, Mary Walsh, Elizabeth Wilson, Alex Tyng et. al.

Aina Roman breaking in a new french easel and experimenting like crazy!

Ellen Cooper painting through the roses

Paul DuSold faces the paparazzi with good grace

Giovanni Casedei was so absorbed in his work he didn't notice

Suzy Schireson tackled the silo

Elaine Lisle got some canine companionship

Alex Tyng painting by the laundry line

Ellen Cooper, Laura Kaderabeck Eyring and Frances Galante, hard at it

Fred Danziger and one of his miniatures, with Stuart Shils

Sarah Barr and her big old monster camera

Garth Herrick out sitting in the field

Betsey Batchelor and "her" tree

The stragglers pose for one more shot at the end of an utterly amazing day! Participating artists not previously mentioned include Michael Bartmann, Joe Sweeney, Lynne Campbell, Dale Roberts, Fay Stanford, John Ennis, Carla Tudor, Elana Hagler and Mary Hiltbrandt. Thank you so much everyone!
A one day exhibit and sale of the work to benefit Camphill Special School, will be held November 3, reception 5:30-8 pm at Rosenfeld Gallery, 113 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
All are welcome!
For more information on Plein Air at Beaver Farm just click!
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