Young Woman Drawing, 1801
Marie-Denise Villers (French, 1774–1821)
Oil on canvas
This semester I will be teaching one class and leading two seminars:
Portrait Drawing or Painting in Oils
Main Line Art Center
Semester: Winter 2010
Medium: Drawing and Painting
Class Level: Intermediate
Class Schedule:
Start: Jan 28, 2010 End: Apr 1, 2010
Time: Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Member - $302.00 Non-Member - $344.00
Explore the fascinating art of the portrait through drawing or painting from the model in a variety of long and short poses. Individual guidance will be given as we study different techniques. Demos will focus on the anatomy of the head and basic facial proportions, seeing values and ways of describing texture. Drawing experience and previous experience with oils is recommended.
I will also be running a two part Beginning to Blog seminar
(please note, space is limited)
at MLAC on two Saturdays, March 20 and March 27 from 10-12 am:
The Artist's Blog I: Nuts Bolts
Semester: Winter 2010
Class Schedule:
Start: Mar 20, 2010 End: Mar 20, 2010
Time: Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Member - $15.00 Non-Member - $20.00
The Artist's Blog II: Content Counts
Semester: Winter 2010
Class Schedule:
Start: Mar 27, 2010 End: Mar 27, 2010
Time: Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Member - $15.00 Non-Member - $20.00
At the Wayne Art Center, I'll be co-leading a seminar:
Painting People from Photographs
Nancy Bea Miller & Alex Tyng
Saturday, March 13, 2010
10 AM-2 PM
Although slavish copying from photos is discouraged by most well-known portrait and figurative artists working today, many of these same artists use photographic references in the process of creating exceptional work. Through power-point presentation we will look at many examples of art painted from life and at least partially from photos. We will compare and evaluate a variety of reference photographs and discuss the pros and cons of different lighting. We will also have time for hands-on experimentation as we practice taking our own photographic references. Participants are encouraged to bring a digital camera with cable attachment or card-reader laptop computer.
- For information or registration
Main Line Art Center:
Wayne Art Center:
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