On September 21 I was honored to preside at the meeting that voted
David Campbell Wilson as the new President of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Alumni Association Council. Heartfelt congratulations to David who I know will lead the council forward with great skill and intelligence!
Outgoing PAFA Alumni Council President Nancy Bea Miller and new President David Campbell Wilson
photo: Jennifer Baker
art: Murray Dessner |
I found my three year term of service as council President to be richly satisfying, challenging, broadening, stretching and often just plain fun! I highly recommend a stint of community service as a way to enhance your own life. Have to say, I was touched by initially being asked to consider "renewing" my term of office, but with a new degree, a new job and some new family obligations I decided this natural end of my term of office was a good time to pass on the torch, with grateful thanks! The PAFA Alumni Council is a wonderful collaboration, and we accomplished A LOT thanks to many people's combined efforts, energy, ideas, creativity and support.
Left to right: David Brigham, Fred Danziger, Jennifer Baker, Nancy Bea Miller, Laura Adams, Nancy Citrino, David Campbell Wilson, Maureen Drdak, Hilarie Hawley, Elizabeth Wilson, Jeffrey Carr. AAC members not pictured:
Eliza Auth, Holly Brigham, Martin Campos, Zachary Martin, Katrina Rakowski, Sterling Shaw
photo: André van de Putte |
Many, many, people who were a big part of of how much we managed to get done are not pictured here, probably too many to list for fear of omitting someone, but waves of gratitude to you all!
n.b.Special thanks to Nathanael Brouhard who keeps the AAC meetings energetic and sweet with coffee and doughnuts!
For more information on the PAFA Alumni Association Council
look here.